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Linkedin for Dummies, 2nd Edition
Unleashing Creativity And Innovation
The Little Black Book of Change
Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies
China's Super Consumers
Counselling Skills for Dummies
Twitter for Dummies
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement
The Art of Strategic Leadership: How Leaders at All Levels Prepare Themselves, Their Teams, and Organizations for the Future
The Art and Adventure of Leadership
Effective Manager
Move: How Decisive Leaders Execute Strategy Despite Obstacles, Setbacks & Stalls
Where Are the Customers Yachts: or A Good Hard Look at Wall Street
China's Mobile Economy
Marketing Performance: How Marketers Drive Profitable Growth
When Execution Isn't Enough: Decoding Inspirational Leadership
Drones For Dummies
The Awakened Millionaire : A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement
Committed Teams: Three Steps to Inspiring Passion and Performance
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