Orient Blackswan Private Limited এর বই সমূহ
Pride and Prejudice
Prose of the World
Psychoanalytic Theory and Criticism
Rabindranath Tagore One Hundred Years Of Global Reception
Radical Rabindranath: Nation, Family and Gender in Tagore’s Fiction and Films
Raising The Curtain
Raja Yudhisthira
Reader in Urban Sociology
Readings On Dalit Identity
Rethinking Social Justice
Revisiting 1956: B. R. Ambedkar and States Reorganisation
Revisiting India’s Partition: New Essays on Memory, Culture, and Politics
Revolution Of The Ordinary
Roman Myths
Rule by Numbers : Governmentality and Colonial India
Sacrificing People
Saint Joan: A Chronicle Play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue
Satyajit Ray at 70
Secularizing Islamists? Jama‘at-e-Islami and Jama‘at-ud-da‘wa in Urban Pakistan
Selections Form The Prison Notebooks
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