Motilal Banarsidass Publishers এর বই সমূহ
Apad - Dharma in the Mahabharata: How to Face Calamities at Personal, State, and Global Levels When People's Lives Everywhere Are Endangered by Too ... is Not My Problem"? - Mahabharata 12.175.7
The Asvamedha: The Rite and Its Logic
Cetana and the Dynamics of Volition in Theravada Buddhism
The Buddhist Pilgrimage (Buddhist Tradition)
The Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva: Entering the Path of Enlightenment
Gangesa's Theory of Truth (Sanskrit)
The Era of the Individual: A Contribution to a History of Subjectivity
A Comparative Study of the Pratimoksha: On the Basis of Its Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Pali Versions (Buddhist Tradition)
Yogacara Buddhism & Modern Psychology
The Literature of the Personalists of Early Buddhism
Preface To Ambedkarism
Sati: Historical and Phenomenological Essays
Serenity Here and Now: The Buddha's Sutta - Nipata Sermons
Gangesa's Theory of Truth
Bodhisattvas of the Forest and the Formation of the Mahayana: A Study and Translation of the Rastrapalaparipreeha-Sutra
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