Covid-19 diary
This book explicates COVID-19 as a lived experience in private and public spheres; apart from the health issues, the pandemic has impacted every aspect of human lives, disrupted livelihoods, everyday movement, and activities. The authors, academic scholars, researchers from home and abroad have explained their everyday experiences from clinical, pathological, archaeological, historical, literary, socio-cultural, economic, and political perspectives to understand the pandemic and its impact and implications. The articles explain how the pandemic creates health havoc, inflicting physically and mentally, bringing fear, stigma, discrimination, and demonization. From theoretical and conceptual standpoints, some writers have taken the Foucauldian approach in understanding bio-politics/power relations of COVID-19 and the politics of death or the Bourdieuan conceptual framework to understand the complexity of behavioral changes during the pandemic.
This book explicates COVID-19 as a lived experience in private and public spheres; apart from the health issues, the pandemic has impacted every aspect of human lives, disrupted livelihoods, everyday movement, and activities. The authors, academic scholars, researchers from home and abroad have explained their everyday experiences from clinical, pathological, archaeological, historical, literary, socio-cultural, economic, and political perspectives to understand the pandemic and its impact and implications. The articles explain how the pandemic creates health havoc, inflicting physically and mentally, bringing fear, stigma, discrimination, and demonization. From theoretical and conceptual standpoints, some writers have taken the Foucauldian approach in understanding bio-politics/power relations of COVID-19 and the politics of death or the Bourdieuan conceptual framework to understand the complexity of behavioral changes during the pandemic.
Publisher |
9789849540939 |
Language |
English (US) |
Country |
Bangladesh |
Format |
Hardcover |
Pages |
197 |