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Bleak House
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Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce, in which an inheritance is gradually devoured by legal costs, the romance of Esther Summerson and the secrets of her origin, the sleuthing of Detective Inspector Bucket and the fate of Jo the crossing-sweeper, these are some of the lives Dickens invokes to portray London society, rich and poor, as no other novelist has done. Bleak House, in its atmosphere, symbolism and magnificent bleak comedy, is often regarded as the best of Dickens. A 'great Victorian novel', it is so inventive in its competing plots and styles that it eludes interpretation.

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Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce, in which an inheritance is gradually devoured by legal costs, the romance of Esther Summerson and the secrets of her origin, the sleuthing of Detective Inspector Bucket and the fate of Jo the crossing-sweeper, these are some of the lives Dickens invokes to portray London society, rich and poor, as no other novelist has done. Bleak House, in its atmosphere, symbolism and magnificent bleak comedy, is often regarded as the best of Dickens. A 'great Victorian novel', it is so inventive in its competing plots and styles that it eludes interpretation.

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Charles Dickens

চার্লস ডিকেন্স (জন্ম: ৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮১২, পোর্টসমাউথ, ইংল্যান্ড - মৃত্যু: ৯ জুন ১৮৭০, গ্যাডস হিল প্লেস, কেন্ট, ইংল্যান্ড) ছিলেন উনবিংশ শতাব্দীর অন্যতম বিখ্যাত ইংরেজ ঔপন্যাসিক এবং সমাজ সংস্কারক। তার সাহিত্যকর্মে ইংল্যান্ডের সমাজব্যবস্থা, দারিদ্র্য, এবং মানবিক মূল্যবোধের প্রতিফলন ঘটে। ডিকেন্সের রচনাশৈলী এবং চরিত্রচিত্রণ তাকে বিশ্বসাহিত্যে অমর করে তুলেছে।


Charles Dickens


OM Books International




English (US)




