Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), and his nephews, Gaganendranath (1867-1938) and Abanindranath (1871-1951), spent a large part of their lives in their ancestral home, a cluster of houses in Dwarkanath Tagore Lane, Jorasarnko, sharing and drawing upon the cultural ambience of the place. But as painters, they remained strikingly different, distinctive and individual, as evident in this selection of their landscapes. If the transparent haze that surrounds the forms and figures in Abanindranath's characteristic 'wash' offer a contrast to the sharper contours of Gaganendranath's hills and cityscapes, there is an ethereal, floating illumination framing the edges of the latter's architectural forms. Rabindranath, who was critical of their styles, came to painting later, with a stronger presence of the forms, whether trees, huts, or abandoned temples, often using sweeping, tremulous colours or hatching to capture the vibrations of time and winds running through nature; with a taut tenseness-all his own.
Samik Bandyopadhyay
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), and his nephews, Gaganendranath (1867-1938) and Abanindranath (1871-1951), spent a large part of their lives in their ancestral home, a cluster of houses in Dwarkanath Tagore Lane, Jorasarnko, sharing and drawing upon the cultural ambience of the place. But as painters, they remained strikingly different, distinctive and individual, as evident in this selection of their landscapes. If the transparent haze that surrounds the forms and figures in Abanindranath's characteristic 'wash' offer a contrast to the sharper contours of Gaganendranath's hills and cityscapes, there is an ethereal, floating illumination framing the edges of the latter's architectural forms. Rabindranath, who was critical of their styles, came to painting later, with a stronger presence of the forms, whether trees, huts, or abandoned temples, often using sweeping, tremulous colours or hatching to capture the vibrations of time and winds running through nature; with a taut tenseness-all his own. Samik Bandyopadhyay
Writer |
Writer |
Writer |
Publisher |
9788189323486 |
Language |
English (US) |
Country |
India |
Pages |
12 |